Eve Egoyan



“Everything at Valleyview opened me to receive.

I have never been able to walk alone in a forest feeling safe and unbound. The forest feels wild, yet the paths are clear. I was at ease to gather the beauty of the forest, its light, its layers of growth, the sounds of the birds, the smell of the pine needles, blackberries!

The bedroom beckoned me to linger in the morning. The view and sounds from the window were both full (all the birds and insects) and calming. The bed was delicious to enter and remain. I actually finished two novels… I never do this. I am always up in the morning doing.

I also thought a lot – I had five notebooks. I have just received two major Canada Council grants for two very different, challenging and exciting projects. I am moving forwards and backwards at the same time. My days at Valleyview allowed me to gather myself. I am IN IT now. Thank you for gifting me this.”

